In the future there will be dinosaur proof hovercars, everyone will eat sugary foods all of the time (even the dinosaurs), buildings will be made of gold, and spiders are huge and elephants tiny! This is what the future holds according to my 8 year old art director, Joe - and what a fun brief it was too!
Several weeks ago teams from my agency CIA and ad agency AMV BBDO met at the museum of Childhood to run workshops with children aged from 4-11 to find out their ideas of what our future world will be like. Some amazing ideas were born and then given to us illustrators to interpret. The artworks were on display at the museum on Saturday as part of the The Big Draw. It was a fantastic event with live drawing from fellow illustrators including Sarah Coleman, Jill Calder, Jessie Ford, Brian Grimwood, Stan Chow and Rose Blake.
Here is my piece and a few pics from the day. Incidentally there were some great bits from the brief that I didn't manage to include - people have no teeth (because of eating all those sweets), Australia is cold and rainy and Iceland is the hottest place in the world. Santa has moved to Australia. Great ideas, thanks Joe!